"According to e-mails obtained by ThinkProgress, the Chamber hired the lobbying firm Hunton and Williams to spearhead this effort. Hunton And Williams' attorney Richard Wyatt, who once represented Food Lion in its infamous lawsuit against ABC News, was hired by the Chamber in October of last year. To assist the Chamber, Wyatt and his associates, John Woods and Bob Quackenboss, hired a set of private security firms -- HB Gary Federal, Palantir, and Berico Technologies (collectively called Team Themis) -- to develop tactics for damaging progressive groups and labor unions, in particular ThinkProgress,"
More information has been discovered within the corporate emails copied from the HBGary Federal email servers. On top of the Bank of America hiring the three firms involved in attempting to shut down or discredit Wikileaks, the same three security firms have now been linked to the US Chamber of Commerce through the same law firm. The tactics seem to be similar gathering intel on the targets and in the The Chamber of Commerce's instance personal info including info on Union Leaders families and children. But also i would like to point out how the mass media is ignoring this along with the data about Bank of America, maybe they are also in the back pocket of the same groups.
More information has been discovered within the corporate emails copied from the HBGary Federal email servers. On top of the Bank of America hiring the three firms involved in attempting to shut down or discredit Wikileaks, the same three security firms have now been linked to the US Chamber of Commerce through the same law firm. The tactics seem to be similar gathering intel on the targets and in the The Chamber of Commerce's instance personal info including info on Union Leaders families and children. But also i would like to point out how the mass media is ignoring this along with the data about Bank of America, maybe they are also in the back pocket of the same groups.
Anonymous is like the mysterious stranger who comes to clean up dodge in the old westerns.
Have you read any of the leaked emails on Anonleaks.ru unless the website has changed. The emails shed light on what utter morons the heads of this company were.
The antics of Anonymous is very humorous and are starting to pan out into something more then lulz.
That'll show the Government, quit it with the shady shenanigans, you don't want a revolution do you?
thanks for the information. Wonder how they go it.
On Anons, as Colbert said on the Colbert Report, "now to put that in hacker terms: Anonymous is a hornets nest, and Barr said: 'I'm gonna stick my penis in that thing'; because faster than you can say 'get this hornets out of my penis', Anonymous took down Barr's website, stole his emails, deleted the company's backup data, trashed his Twitter account and remotely wiped his iPad" LOL
that was a great episode also the guy Fawkes mask overlay on colbert's face was a very nice touch, i think the must mean colbert supports anonymous or maybe he is the leader of anonymous.
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